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See Something Say Something

Jun 17, 2019

Ramadan and Eid zoomed by and in the meantime, Ahmed watched the new live-action Guy Ritchie Aladdin movie… and turns out kind of enjoyed it?  Controversial, yes, but you have to speak your truth. So we’re joined this week by Nida Abbasi and Maryam Adamu to discuss Eid traditions and why we had fun in Aladdin despite how flawed the movie is. Also making an appearance:  jinn-human romances, Heba Hasan’s love for Eid’s morning coffee, Salimah’s mishap with a mosque bounce house, and The Komina’s song, “Eid Mubarak.”


Also, we were limited in our mic setup this week and only had access to one, so the show will sound a little bit different this week.


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Our music is by The Kominas, follow them at @TheRealKominas and